Transporting goods with indoor robots and autonomous vehicles
Flexible, round-the-clock delivery

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Swiss Post is testing cutting-edge technologies to offer its customers up-to-date solutions, including self-driving, autonomous vehicles. These are available around the clock and are ecological and economical to operate. Swiss Post is testing autonomous vehicles in different areas to find out where they could be beneficial: for in-house customer logistics and as a supplement to delivery.

Indoor robots
Relieving the strain on hospitals

Film: Indoor robot in use at the Nyon hospital

Medication, food, lab samples and even waste: the indoor robots can transport practically anything and work around the clock. They move independently through the hospital and, depending on the attachment used, can even load themselves with cargo. This means that medical professionals do not have to perform logistics tasks, leaving more time for patients.


Indoor robots in hospitals

Indoor robots can easily be incorporated into existing processes. No infrastructure – such as guide rails or floor markings – is required to operate them.

Our indoor robots have already been successfully implemented in Nyon hospital, the Schulthess Klinik in Zurich and Triemli City hospital, where they lighten the load of hospital staff.

Are you interested in indoor robots? We look forward to hearing from you.

Technical information

Robi, the luggage assistant

The PostBus luggage robot Robi, which is driving through Saas-Fee loaded with skis and suitcases.

Simplified mobility for travellers thanks to robot-assisted luggage transport. In 2021/2022, PostBus presented a new service to simplify mobility over the last mile of a journey, for instance between the PostBus station and accommodation. Robi was a robot that customers could reserve using the app. They would then find the robot waiting for them at the public transport stop or at their accommodation. Once the customer had placed their luggage on the robot, it followed them to their destination in follow-me mode or in automated mode.

Completed test: Robots in the delivery process
Fast and flexible transportation of consignments

Film: Delivery robots in use

Delivery robots are suitable for consignments that need to be delivered flexibly, quickly and inexpensively in a local neighbourhood. These ad-hoc logistics over the last mile are not covered at present by mail carriers, which is why robots serve as a meaningful extension of the delivery supply chain.

From 2016 to 2019, Swiss Post tested the use of self-driving delivery robots for deliveries in urban areas. Due to the current legal situation, the tests have been put on hold for the moment.


Delivery robots in logistics

The Swiss Post early Label

“Transporting goods with autonomous vehicles and delivery robots” are early products from Swiss Post. The early Label stands for innovations which Swiss Post tests and develops together with its customers. For more information, go to

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Post CH Digital Services Ltd
Wankdorfalle 4
3030 Bern