Press releases, Press releases Mobility Solutions Ltd
Swiss Post confirms plan to realign internal truck fleet
As announced on 4 September, Swiss Post is to realign its internal transport unit in order to increase its competitiveness. Drivers affected by the realignment will receive a reasonable job offer. The results of the consultation process produced no economically feasible, strategy-compliant options for continued employment of drivers in their current positions. Parcel deliveries to customers and small consignment transport are not affected by the measure.
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On 4 September, Swiss Post announced its intention to no longer operate its own fleet of trucks over 3.5 tonnes for internal transport in future (see Press release). Swiss Post simultaneously initiated a consultation process which was concluded on 26 October. As part of this process, various proposals were submitted, which were assessed by Swiss Post for their compliance with strategy and economic efficiency. Having concluded the consultation process, Swiss Post sees no feasible alternative to outsourcing its internal truck transport. Swiss Post has therefore reached a definitive decision to put its internal routes up for competitive tender and to buy in services from external transport companies.
All affected employees will be offered employment
Swiss Post is doing all it can to avoid redundancies. This includes offering the 187 drivers affected by the realignment reasonable options for continued employment. In addition, a comprehensive social plan is in place; Swiss Post will draw up details for the implementation of this plan together with the trade unions over the next few weeks.
Increasing competitive pressure
By realigning its internal truck transport, Swiss Post aims to increase its long-term competitiveness. In the parcels market, it has operated in free competition since 2004, while around 70 percent of volumes on the letters market are subject to competition. In addition, the majority of trucks owned by Swiss Post are reaching the end of their service life and would have to be renewed in the next few years. Parcel deliveries to customers and small consignment transport as well as internal transport with delivery vans of up to 3.5 tonnes will not be affected by the measure.