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Swiss Post leads the way in accessibility

The fourth “Access for all” foundation accessibility study was published at the end of October. Once again, the study assessed the websites of the Swiss federal offices, enterprises affiliated with the Confederation, the cantons and a number of cities, as well as a wide range of major news sites, online shops and mobile apps in terms of their accessibility for people with a disability. As in 2011, Swiss Post’s website scored highly. PostFinance, assessed for the first time this year, also scored well. However, once again, the study determined an overall need for improvement for the majority of websites.

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For many years, Swiss Post has strived to make its online information and services as accessible as possible. Good accessibility makes it easier for all people, not only those with disabilities, to carry out their business with Swiss Post successfully and find information quickly. Accessible content not only means that Swiss Post reaches a wider audience – its content is also more easily readable for search engines. This means that Swiss Post’s services are in turn better positioned in search result rankings. The 2016 accessibility study clearly showed that this added value is not being exploited by all institutions studied. Private companies in particular have considerable potential for improvement.

Swiss Post is leading by example

With its major commitment to its website, Swiss Post won a host of prices in the “Best of Swiss Web Awards 2016” in April, including gold in the Usability category. “We are proud of Swiss Post’s performance in the new 2016 accessibility study,” says Marco Imboden, Head of Communication. “This most recent assessment of our website has given us fresh impetus to continue along the path we have forged.”

A tradition of accessibility

Swiss Post began to systematically design its website to be accessible back in 2007. In the physical world too, Swiss Post has taken care to ensure its services are accessible for disabled people, with wheelchair ramps at post offices, wheelchair-accessible Postomats with audio support and access ramps on Postbuses – just a few examples of Swiss Post’s commitment to people with disabilities.

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Swiss Accessibility Study 2016 (German version)

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