Press releases
Swiss Post not to implement its “Realignment of over-the-counter transactions” pilot project
As part of a pilot project, Swiss Post modified customer care in individual post offices. It offered both counters for purchases that can be processed quickly and counters for consultations that require more time. After in-depth analysis, Swiss Post has decided not to implement the pilot project.
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Swiss Post started the pilot project in selected post offices in July 2015. For customers who would like advice or have other more time-intensive requirements – such as opening a PostFinance account or concluding a new mobile phone subscription – Swiss Post set up special advice counters. Postal transactions could be carried out at all other counters.
Upon completion of the pilot project, Swiss Post analysed the results in detail. After weighing up all the factors, especially the impact on salaries for employees, Executive Management decided not to implement the project.
The positives drawn from the project will however be incorporated into the ongoing development of over-the-counter transactions.
This will take place, as usual, in dialogue with employees and social partners.