Press releases
Swiss Post to merge letter processing sites in the Berne area
Following the assessment resulting from its consultation process, Swiss Post has decided to merge three operating locations for letter processing in Berne. This is Swiss Post’s response to falling letter volumes and increasing cost pressure. The consultation process did not bring to light any feasible way to maintain three operating units for letter processing. The site merger will lead to the loss of 15 full-time equivalent positions, but is not set to result in any redundancies.
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On 10 August 2016, Swiss Post announced its intention to merge its three Berne-based operating units for letter processing due to falling letter volumes and increasing cost pressure (see Press release). Swiss Post simultaneously initiated a consultation process which was concluded at the end of September following an extension. As part of this process, various proposals were submitted, which were reviewed in detail by Swiss Post. After assessing the proposals, Swiss Post sees no feasible alternative to the planned operating unit merger. Swiss Post therefore decided to integrate the work of the Ostermundigen Logistics Center for Letter Processing (LCLP) into the Härkingen Letter Center and the Berne delivery office (Freiburgstrasse) in mid 2018. Secondly, the jobs in the Ostermundigen letter delivery office will be reallocated to existing operating units in the Berne area. This is expected to be complete by the end of November 2019.
Majority of jobs to stay in the Berne area
Swiss Post is doing everything it can to avoid compulsory redundancies. The loss of the 15 full-time equivalent positions can be absorbed by natural staff turnover. Of the 96 staff affected by the closure of the LCLP, around 40 will receive a job offer in Härkingen. The majority of delivery office staff will continue to be employed in existing operating units in the Berne area. Swiss Post will seek a meeting with affected staff to find solutions as part of its redundancy plan.