Press releases
Confederation approves Swiss Post 2016 annual result
At the fourth General Meeting of Swiss Post Ltd, the Confederation in its capacity as sole shareholder today approved the 2016 annual financial statements of the Group with a dividend of 200 million francs, and granted discharge to the members of the Board of Directors. It also confirmed the members of the Board of Directors of Swiss Post in their offices.
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In its capacity as sole shareholder, the Confederation approved all proposals made by the Board of Directors at Swiss Post’s fourth General Meeting held in Berne. With operating income of 8,188 million francs and Group profit of 558 million francs, the financial statements as well as the Annual Report for the 2016 financial year were adopted. The dividend of 200 million francs to the Confederation was also approved by the General Meeting.
Members confirmed in office
Chairman Urs Schwaller and all members of the Board of Directors with the exception of Andreas Schläpfer were reelected for a period of two years until the ordinary General Meeting to be held in 2019. Andreas Schläpfer reaches the age of 70 in September 2017. In accordance with the statutory requirements applicable to Swiss Post, he will leave the Board of Directors at the General Meeting in 2018, which is why he was reelected for a period of only one year.
Following its conversion in 2013 into a company limited by shares subject to a special statutory regime, Swiss Post is wholly owned by the Confederation.
Oliver Flüeler, Swiss Post Media Unit, 058 341 21 95,