Press releases
A stamp that smells like a campfire
This year’s second stamp issue really stimulates the senses. Featuring the smell of a campfire, the stamp to mark the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement National Jamboree evokes the crackling of campfires, the strumming of guitars, and friendships. And with its stamps on the theme of “Stories and Myths”, Swiss Post is commemorating national hero William Tell and the legend of how Switzerland was founded. They will be available, together with all other new stamps, from 5 May.
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For many scouts and guides, the National Jamboree evokes memories of campfires, huge campsites and spending time together with friends. Swiss Post is issuing a stamp to mark the event. And here’s the thing about it: with that special campfire smell, the “National Jamboree” stamp really stimulates the senses. This redolent surprise works thanks to a special coating on the stamp. Rubbing it off releases the scents to leave the tang of the campfire hanging in the air.
The National Jamboree only takes place every 14 years or so. From 23 July to 6 August this year, around 30,000 guides and scouts will set up a huge campsite in Goms in the canton of Valais, helping to promote interactions that bridge language barriers, generations and even national borders. Swiss Post is not only dedicating a stamp to the camp, it also supports the National Jamboree as a main partner. It will be there at the event with both a special branch and an interactive stand to provide entertainment for those attending. PostBus is also on board and, together with other transport companies, will ensure that all participants from across Switzerland can travel to Goms and get back home safely two weeks later.
William Tell reimagined
Who doesn’t know it? The story of William Tell, who was forced to shoot an apple off his own child’s head. A story that is one of the founding myths of Switzerland. And a story that, thanks to Friedrich Schiller, is known far beyond the country’s borders. That’s more than enough reason to pay tribute with two stamps. The folk tale has been given a modern twist by illustrator Elena Knecht and designed in a contemporary style. The stamps are the Swiss entry in the Europe-wide competition run by PostEurop, an association of 48 major European postal operators, on the theme of “Stories and Myths”. From 9 May to 9 September, anyone wishing to do so can vote online to select the design of the most beautiful EUROPA stamps.
More information can be found in the collector’s magazine “Focus on stamps” and at
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Designs in the 2/2022 stamp issue – available and valid from 5 May 2022
- National Jamboree – stamp at CHF 1.10
- EUROPA – Stories and Myths – “William Tell” and “Pierced apple” stamps at CHF 1.10
- Swiss Parks – “Beverin Nature Park” stamp and “Doubs Nature Park” stamp at CHF 0.90, “Gantrisch Nature Park” stamp and “Schaffhausen Regional Nature Park” stamp at CHF 1.10
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – stamp at CHF 1.10
- Pro Patria – 100th 1 August badge – two stamps at CHF 1.10 + 0.55 and CHF 0.90 + 0.45
- Art in the periphery – stamp at CHF 1.10
- 150 years LNM Navigation on the Three Lakes – stamp at CHF 1.10
- Joint issue Switzerland – Croatia “Lake Cauma” stamp at CHF 1.10 and “Visovac Island” stamp at CHF 1.80
- Helvetia 2022 World Stamp Exhibition Lugano – special sheet with surcharge at CHF 1.10 + 0.55
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- National Jamboree (JPG, 4455 KB)
- EUROPA − Stories and Myths / William Tell (JPG, 8685 KB)
- EUROPA − Stories and Myths / Pierced apple (JPG, 7064 KB)
- Swiss Parks – Beverin Nature Park (JPG, 4471 KB)
- Swiss Parks – Doubs Nature Park (JPG, 4362 KB)
- Swiss Parks – Gantrisch Nature Park (JPG, 4552 KB)
- PSwiss Parks – Schaffhausen Regional Nature Park (JPG, 4530 KB)
- 2030 Agenda for sustainable development (JPG, 3102 KB)
- Pro Patria – 100th 1 August badge / 1923–1972 (JPG, 8248 KB)
- Pro Patria – 100th 1 August badge / 1973–2022 (JPG, 6645 KB)
- Swiss Post’s commitment to art – Art in the periphery (JPG, 7589 KB)
- 150 years LNM Navigation on the Three Lakes (JPG, 3312 KB)
- Joint issue Switzerland–Croatia / Lake Cauma (JPG, 9877 KB)
- Emissione congiunta Svizzera-Croazia / Isola di Visovac (JPG, 6409 KB)
- Helvetia 2022 World Stamp Exhibition Lugano (JPG, 7547 KB)
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Silvana Grellmann, Swiss Post Media Unit, 058 341 26 71,