Punctual delivery of letters and parcels again in 2019
There are many factors involved in ensuring that letters and parcels reach their recipients on time. The complex interplay was once again successful in 2019 as the high scores for the delivery times measured illustrate.
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Only if machines, vehicles and systems interact seamlessly with human beings can Swiss Post achieve its potential in terms of logistics. Measurement results for delivery times illustrate that everything came together perfectly once again in 2019.
Top scores for letters
98.0 percent of A Mail letters and 99.3 percent of B Mail letters reached recipients on time in 2019. This means that PostMail once again significantly outperformed its statutory targets of 97 percent. The figures are 0.6 percentage points (A Mail) and 0.4 percentage points (B Mail) higher than in the previous year. These outstanding results are primarily attributable to changes that have been made to processes in consignment preparation (cancellation, separation by format and A/B Mail), effective rail connections between the letter centers and good road conditions. Delivery staff also made a significant contribution to this pleasing result.
Record parcel volumes
As for parcels, 95.3 percent of PostPac Priority consignments were delivered punctually and, for PostPac Economy consignments, the figure was 95.9 percent. The scores fell by 1.9 percentage points (PostPac Priority) and 1.8 percentage points (PostPac Economy) compared to the previous year. In 2019, a record volume of 148 million parcels were handled, with 7.3 percent or 10 million more parcels being sent compared to the previous year. These high volumes have been a challenge, even for Swiss Post’s robust infrastructure.
New regional parcel centers providing relief
To ensure that it can continue to process the growing parcel volumes reliably in future, Swiss Post is investing in new sorting systems and parcel centers. For example, a new parcel center was put into operation in Cadenazzo (Ticino) in October 2019. Over the course of this year, three additional new regional parcel centers will be opened: Ostermundigen (Berne) this month, Vétroz (Valais) in May and Untervaz (Graubünden) in October. These new parcel centers will lay the foundation for a smooth-running logistics operation in the future.