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“Striving for greater acceptance and tolerance”
Diversity and inclusion can only be achieved by addressing the concerns of the relevant target groups. Swiss Post does this – for example, through its internal network RAINBOW.
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A particular emphasis is placed on diversity and inclusion at Swiss Post. It has set up internal networks which proactively address the concerns of various target groups in day-to-day operations. One of these networks is RAINBOW, which addresses all of the LGBTQIA+ community’s concerns.
“We founded RAINBOW in 2015 in close cooperation with Swiss Post,” explains Simon Graf, Co-Chair of RAINBOW. “We aim to provide a point of contact for employees from the community and to ensure their voice is heard. But we also focus on establishing an open culture within the company, promoting tolerance and acceptance of the community and overcoming prejudice.”
Ever since the network was set up, Swiss Post as a group has taken part in the Pride events held in Switzerland. Over 50 participants attended the last time they took place before the pandemic. While encouraging fun and lively discussion in the community, RAINBOW also has a serious side. As well as performing an advisory role for employees from the community, it also draws up proposals to encourage diversity and inclusion at Swiss Post (e.g. in job adverts, non-discrimination article in the CEC, etc.).

“By working closely with RAINBOW, we can meet the needs of our employees from the LGBTQIA+ community even more effectively and provide support where it’s needed,” says Yvonne Moser, a specialist in HR and organizational development at Swiss Post. “We obviously also apply the lessons learned from this collaboration to meet the needs of society. Swiss Post is ultimately there for everyone – employees, but customers too. Irrespective of their background, beliefs or sexual orientation.”
In one of its many activities, RAINBOW is currently applying to obtain the official Swiss LGBTI labelTarget not accessible for Swiss Post in cooperation with the HR department. The label is awarded to companies committed to ensuring equality for members of the LGBTQIA+ community in the workplace. “We’ve invested a great deal of time and achieved a huge amount. It would be great to see our employer receive the recognition it deserves,” says Peter Ruefenacht, also Co-Chair of the network.
L = lesbian
G = gay
B = bisexual
T = trans*
Q = queer/questioning
I = intersex
A = asexual/aromantic/agender
+ = everyone else who feels part of the queer community.