Objectives set by the Federal Council
Ambitious goals set for Swiss Post for the strategy period 2017–2020
The Confederation, as Swiss Post’s owner, manages the company through the designation of strategic objectives. These objectives are defined by the Federal Council for periods of four years. For the strategy period 2017–2020, the Federal Council expects Swiss Post to provide a high-quality universal service throughout Switzerland and according to the same principles.
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Swiss Post must offer marketable, innovative and high-quality physical and digital products and services in its core business in the communication, logistics, retail finance and passenger transport markets – as set out by the Federal Council in the strategic goals for 2017–2020. It secures its market position and covers modern communication and logistics requirements by developing up-to-date services for transmitting information and data (such as e-voting and eHealth). It must generate profitable growth and increase the company’s earning power as a result of efficiency improvements. Swiss Post can enter into partnerships (shareholdings, alliances, founding of companies or other types of cooperation) in Switzerland and abroad as far as its finances and human resources capacities allow.
In financial terms, the Federal Council expects Swiss Post to maintain and increase the company’s value in the long term, as well as achieve industry-standard returns in all business areas. The profits it makes should be used to fund the equity required in particular by PostFinance Ltd under banking law, and to pay dividends to the Confederation.
With a progressive and socially responsible human resources policy, Swiss Post will continue to justify the trust placed in the company by its employees. To do so, it should offer attractive, competitive employment conditions and help employees to balance work and family commitments. Swiss Post and its subsidiaries in Switzerland are negotiating collective employment contracts with the trade unions.