PostPac ART
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The practical PostPac is available in various sizes at Swiss Post branches. The artistically designed PostPac ART packaging, which resulted from an invitation-based competition, has now been added to the range. Photographer Ester Vonplon impressed the jury with her “Singen Vögel im Schlaf” (Birds sing in their sleep) project proposal. Swiss Post’s commitment to art is making its mark on the everyday lives of the public through this first PostPac ART packaging.
Swiss Post is demonstrating its solidarity to Swiss art with this special edition. In addition to the usual packaging, the PostPac ART series is sure to be appreciated by art enthusiasts and connoisseurs as a collector’s item or can be used as an iconic archive box. It is available at the same price as the PostPac Eco 2 while stocks last.
by Ester Vonplon
The Sterna paradisaea
On my trip to the Arctic in the summer of 2016, I was on the lookout for ice and impressive landscapes, and I encountered the Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) for the first time. Deeply impressed by this small, graceful tern, I studied birds time and again during the following years, and specifically the Arctic tern.
Sterna paradisaea breeds under the most difficult conditions on the outer reaches of the pack ice. To get there, it makes an incredible journey around the world, flying from the South Pole to the North Pole – a distance of up to 35,000 km – from its winter abode in the Antarctic to the breeding grounds of the Arctic.
In its lifetime, the Arctic tern covers a distance equivalent to that from the Earth to the Moon and back three times, or a distance of one million kilometres.
In relation to PostPac, it symbolizes a mail carrier.
For me, the Sterna paradisaea is an image of confidence and hope and a symbol of free thought.
Images from Ester Vonplon’s trip to the Arctic in 2016.
Images: Ester Vonplon