Unser Engagement für die Kunst: An insight nella collezione d’arte de la Poste Suisse
Book about the Swiss Post art collection
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In addition to long-awaited insights into the newly published book, guests at the launch were also given a glimpse inside Swiss Post’s DNA at the Zurich-Mülligen letter and parcel center.

Just as in the book, the focus of the presentation was on the artists who are the beating heart of this long-standing sponsorship. Their works from different decades and regions of Switzerland are representative of the collection: 100 artists symbolizing 100 years of commitment to art.

In the multilingual book, the artists are each represented in the language in which they communicate in Switzerland. The texts are available in a single language in the free online version. The publication was created by the Art Department, Diana Pavlicek and Joël Gessler and published by Scheidegger & Spiess.

The book is available in the Postshop or in stores and costs 35 francs.
Images: © Peter Baracchi
Related links:
- Find out more
- More information on Swiss Post’s sponsorship commitment since 1924: Video profile on the collection commitment with Tommy Baur, Chair of the Art Committee and Head of PostalNetwork, and Diana Pavlicek, Head of Art Department