Corporate governance
What we do
Corporate governance regulates the relationships between the owner, the Board of Directors and Executive Management and supports the highest governing bodies of Swiss Post in fulfilling their duties and responsibility in the best possible way. Precautionary measures are also taken as part of corporate governance in order to ensure the integrity and responsibility of corporate management and to guarantee external transparency.
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Our priorities:
Corporate governance refers to all the principles and rules under which a company is managed and controlled. The goal of corporate governance is to achieve effective, transparent and responsible management in order to create sustainable value. Internally, it is important to ensure that the organization, tasks and responsibilities are set out clearly and consistently. In external relationships, it is a question of ensuring transparency for the owner (shareholder) and other stakeholders. Swiss Post attaches great importance to corporate governance and bases its actions on the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate GovernanceTarget not accessible drawn up by economiesuisse.
Swiss Post Ltd is a company limited by shares subject to a special statutory regime solely owned by the Confederation. The Confederation manages Swiss Post through the designation of strategic goals. The Board of Directors is responsible for implementing the strategic goals, for submitting reports to the Federal Council on their attainment and for providing the latter with the information it needs for verification purposes. It represents the entire Group to the owner, ensures the uniform management of Swiss Post and its subsidiaries and is responsible for ensuring that Swiss Post fulfils the universal service obligation. The Board of Directors is also governed by the rights and duties set out in the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations on the subject of corporate law.
- Executive Management
- Board of Directors
- Annual Report 2023
- Employee Code of Conduct (PDF, 721.2 KB)
- Supplier Code of Conduct for Responsible Procurement (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Data protection and legal information
- Our corporate responsibility charter (PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Business continuity management system Post CH Ltd (PDF, 117.4 KB)
- Logistik-Services Safety Policy (PDF, 147.8 KB)