Our social commitment
We are committed to a diverse and supportive society

2 x Christmas
For people living in poverty
The “2 x Christmas” campaign helps you to donate non-perishable food and hygiene items during the Christmas season. We transport your parcels free of charge to the logistics center of the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) in Wabern. Swiss Post employees and SRC volunteers sort the donations before they are distributed to people living in poverty. The “2 x Christmas” charitable campaign is conducted jointly by the Swiss Red Cross, Coop, SRG SSR, and Swiss Post.

Santa Claus campaign
Swiss Post supports Santa
Every year in the run-up to Christmas, children from all over Switzerland send their wish lists to Santa Claus. And he has his hands full answering all those letters. But he can count on help from the Swiss Post elves, who work tirelessly to send an answer to every single child. In 2023, almost 32,500 letters were answered. Would you like to send a letter? Send your letter or drawing with your address in a prepaid envelope. Address it to Santa Claus.

Postage stamp fund
Promoting cultural and social projects
You can support charitable organizations and projects by purchasing a special stamp. Part of the amount goes directly to organizations such as Pro Patria and Pro Juventute. The rest goes to the postage stamp fund, which we use to support cultural and social projects. In total, more than 200 projects have received financial support from the postage stamp fund. To name a few examples:
- The Biovision Foundation project for sustainable consumption.
- Exhibition by the Hommage 2021 association to mark the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage and voting rights in Switzerland.