Identify an invalid postal address when entering the details
Address assistant via the web service

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More and more recipient customers now enter their address directly online, e.g. when registering for online shops. The address assistant helps users when entering addresses with an autocomplete feature. How you benefit: the address assistant automatically recognizes the validity of a street, house number, postcode and town information as entered by the user. This helps you prevent any invalid postal addresses finding their way into your CRM database.

Your options
Our services

Benefit by having correct addresses as soon as they are entered. The autocomplete feature, which comes with preselection, allows you or your customers to enter address data quickly and accurately too. You access and verify this data in no time at all.

Verifying non-personal address elements:

  • Street / no.
  • Postcode / town

The address assistant is free of charge and operates via a web service (REST/SOAP). This interface provides access to other, fee-based address services (e.g. address verification, address maintenance).

You can find more information on the Swiss Post address assistant in the “Verify addresses” factsheet (PDF, 77.7 KB).

We would be pleased to provide you with personalized advice.

Our database
Validated, official postal addresses

Swiss Post’s address database is unrivalled in Switzerland in terms of quality and quantity. We use our address services to compare our address data with this database. We ensure we are in strict compliance with the legal requirements of data protection. We do not sell, rent or lease any addresses.

We use the very latest data from the street directory covering Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the address assistant.

Check postal addresses free of charge

We provide the “Address assistant” for verifying postal addresses free of charge and with no need for any contractual agreement.

What you need
Web service (REST/SOAP)

Use the web service to incorporate the address assistant into your IT environment with ease and without any activation fees. If you would like more information about web service connections via REST or SOAP, feel free to consult our technical specifications (“REST address web services” and “SOAP address web services”).


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Would you like some advice?
Address Competence Center

Contact us

Call us Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., or send us a message.
+41 58 386 67 67

Personal advice

We would be pleased to set aside time for a non-binding consultation.

How to find us

Post CH Ltd
Address Competence Center
Sternmatt 6
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2

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