Cost-effective press mailing worldwide

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Press ECONOMY is an attractive, reliable solution for mailing press publications all over the world at reasonable prices. Depending on the destination, cost-effective worldwide delivery takes place in four to fifteen days in Europe or within seven to a maximum of 25 working days in all other countries.

Service and features

Press mailing worldwide at reasonable rates can be country-specific, regional or global, depending on your distribution concept. With Press ECONOMY for worldwide delivery, you can use individual addresses or mail collective items at a destination address. Press ECONOMY’s reasonable rates mean you save shipping costs.


Press ECONOMY is the ideal shipping option for cost-effective worldwide delivery of publications.

Bag International

Bag International is the shipping option for cost-effective delivery to multiple copy recipients (multiple copies to the same recipient). Maximum weight: 30 kg per bag (up to maximum 20 kg per bag in some countries).

Shipping is not possible in all countries. You can obtain more information from your customer advisor.

Important information

Press ECONOMY cost-effective worldwide press mailing is ideal for daily or weekly newspapers as well as for consumer magazines, special interest or specialist publications. These must satisfy certain minimum requirements. Eligible publications include:

  • Titles with an existing “Swiss newspapers” agreement (with or without press subsidy)
  • Titles which are issued at least twice a year and contain editorial content

A subscription relationship or certificate is not necessary. Enclosures such as printer material are included in the total weight and are therefore not subject to a surcharge.


You can find an overview of the prices for cost-effective press mailing worldwide in the “Press International prices” folder. For a detailed quote for the Press PRIORITY and ECONOMY service, please contact your customer advisor.


Before the first shipment, please contact your Acceptance & Logistics Consulting location to discuss and agree the acceptance point for your consignments. This ensures that the mailing of your publications runs easily and smoothly. For each delivery, you must fill out a dispatch list / delivery note for newspapers and hand it in together with a specimen copy at the acceptance point. For more information on the preparation and posting of print media, see the “Press International (PDF, 1.2 MB)” brochure.

Response and returns management

Letter returns

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Rich Content Section

Dispatch list for newspapers

The “Dispatch list for newspapers” online service simplifies newspaper mailing considerably.

Order forms & brochures (DocuCenter)

Order forms and brochures online and receive them on paper.

All you need to know

Comprehensive print media distribution service

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Maintaining customer addresses

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Contact and advice

Give us a call

Monday to Friday
7.30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

+41 (0)58 667 85 91

+41 (0)58 667 85 91

Write to us

Our address

Post CH Ltd
Customer Service International
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne

Rich Content Section

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In cooperation with Asendia

A joint venture between Swiss Post and France’s La Poste.