Combined transport
For the sake of the environment
With combined transport, you can send palletized merchandise, raw materials or dangerous goods from door to door. Swiss Post will load your goods from road to rail and deliver them to your chosen address. Do you have your own swap bodies or containers? We can also transport these from ramp to ramp by road/rail.
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Here’s how it works
- The goods are loaded into a swap body belonging to Swiss Post or the customer at a normal truck ramp.
- The truck drives to one of the Swiss Post terminals where the swap bodies are transshipped onto the post train.
- The post train departs (even at night)
- At the destination terminal, the swap body is transshipped unopened onto a truck.
- The truck delivers the swap body to the recipient (single or multiple) and unloads the goods.
You can also deliver or collect your swap bodies or containers to/from one of our transshipment platforms in Daillens, Härkingen, Frauenfeld, Landquart or Cadenazzo.
The prices depend on the distance between the collection and delivery locations.
The price includes:
- Collection of the goods
- Transshipment
- Rail transport
- Delivery to the final address
- Rental of railway carriages
Value-added services:
We will provide you with standard swap bodies. We can also transport your dangerous goods.
Who this service is for & preconditions
Swiss Post’s combined transport is comparable to conventional truck transport. Advantages come in CO2 savings and punctuality. Accordingly, the same preconditions apply as for truck transport.