Customs clearance services
Faster and safer cross-border goods transport
Here’s how it works
Swiss Post handles all processes related to customs clearance for you. We have authorized consignee and authorized consignor status in several different locations. This means that you can avoid queues and time spent waiting at border posts, and your goods are cleared more quickly. Naturally, we also help you choose the correct type of customs clearance for your goods.
Our experienced customs declaration experts handle customs clearance for submitted consignments quickly and professionally.
The advantages for you:
- A single contact person for the entire process.
- The option to connect electronically to transfer customs and consignment data.
- Efficient international transport.
You can also deliver your goods to be transported to one of our logistics centers.
Domicile customs clearance
We handle domicile customs clearance based on data transferred to us at one of our locations.
Border customs clearance
Swiss Post has its own customs offices at all major goods border crossings. During opening hours, we can handle your import and export customs requirements right away.