Guests enjoy receiving postcard greetings
Customer retention that’s well-received
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The Campofelice Camping Village in Tenero is closed during the Christmas period. That’s just the right time to present the innovations of the next season to the guests in a postcard mailing. After all, they’ll soon be planning their summer holidays.
Campofelice Camping Village
Marketing Manager Gabriella Rolfo knows that successful customer retention requires more than just creative mailings. A well-maintained database is also important to ensure the cards arrive. Before each mailing, she therefore cleans the address database with Swiss Post’s “Address maintenance online” service. A short step that saves her a great deal of work later on due to undeliverable items.
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Simone Patelli, Managing Director of Campofelice Camping Village
Simone Patelli, Managing Director of Campofelice Camping Village
Simona Palmieri, Tenero branch employee
Follow the example of Campofelice and choose effective customer retention with little effort. Swiss Post’s practical online services make it possible. Try us out and send a test mailing with PostCard Creator and prior address cleaning. With the RoboPen you can even have handwritten mailings produced. We offer attractive introductory discounts on all our services.