Swiss postcodes
Find a postcode or a location.
Service and features
The “Swiss postcodes” online service will show you an unknown postcode or place name with just a few clicks. Simply enter a postcode or location in the search field. Please note: in cities, there may be different postcodes for the same street. In such cases, the “Swiss postcodes” online service will also help you find the right postcode.
The postcode defines the route a consignment takes on its journey to its destination. In large towns and cities, it is also used to sort by delivery group and branch post office. Please also note the following: include your own postcode in the sender’s address on all outgoing mail items. The recipient will appreciate it – and you can be sure that a correctly addressed response will be sent directly to you.
Who is this service for?
The “Swiss postcodes” online service is ideal for all Swiss Post customers.
The “Swiss postcodes” online service is free of charge.