Swiss Post art collection
A blank canvas? Isn’t there a design missing? What is Swiss Post trying to tell us with this special stamp – which is undoubtedly the right name for it? The answer to the puzzle is as striking as it is obvious.
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Canvas is the classic backcloth for paintings and, as such, has come to symbolize art in general. Because it’s blank, it represents art not yet created – perhaps due to a lack of funding. Swiss Post has been promoting and collecting contemporary art since 1924. The collection that it has put together comprises around 400 works and a nationwide portfolio of art in architecture pieces.
In 2020, a new art strategy was devised. The new commitment to art is based on three spheres: the art collection, art in architecture and a partnership with art events in the periphery. Swiss Post plays a pioneering role when it comes to corporate art collections and promoting culture in Switzerland – and that’s exactly what the new special stamp set aims to raise awareness of. The first in the series is this stamp dedicated to Swiss Post’s traditional art collection.
Switzerland has never had a stamp made purely of canvas before. That’s why a making-of film was also produced for this very special stamp.
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Find out more fascinating background information on Swiss Post’s commitment to art and how the canvas stamp was created.

Technical information
Philately: from 2.9.2021 to 30.9.2022 or while stocks last
Branches: from 9.9.2021 to 30.9.2022 or while stocks last
Unlimited from 9.9.2021
Cartor Security Printing, La Loupe, France
Stamps: 32.5 × 40 mm
Sheetlet: 192 × 115 mm
(2 rows of 4 stamps)
Canvas on backing paper, self-adhesive, 220 gm²
Stamp design: Swiss Post Ltd
Design of FDC and postmark: Amadeus Waltenspühl