Data protection provisions

Application for a taster apprenticeship

Aim and purpose

Post CH Ltd offers taster apprenticeships in a wide range of careers. School pupils can apply with this form. To assess your application, we require a CV and your last two school reports. The following details must be entered in the form:

  • Last name and first name
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Motivation for pursuing the career

No further data is collected.

Nature of data processing

The data is sent via e-mail to the back office of the career entry department. If your application is rejected, the data is deleted immediately and is not saved. If you attend a taster apprenticeship, the report on the taster apprenticeship is kept until the apprenticeship positions are filled. After completion of the recruitment process, the evaluation is transferred to the HR file if you are offered a position. The report is destroyed if you are not offered a position.

Scope and category of the data processing

The above-mentioned address details, reports and CV are required. The data is used only to arrange the taster apprenticeship and to fill the apprenticeship vacancy. After a successful taster apprenticeship, the pupils are informed of the apprenticeship applications. Only the career entry team and the vocational trainer concerned can access the documents, and the data is not passed on to third parties.

Data processing managers

Deletion of the data may be requested at any time by e-mailing

Deletion of data

If the person is not recruited, the data will be deleted after two years. If the person is recruited, the data is transferred to the HR file.

Do you have any questions about the working environment at Swiss Post?

Questions on Swiss Post’s vocational training

Monday till Friday: 7am - 12 noon
and 1pm - 5pm

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

0848 85 80 00

0848 85 80 00

Questions on Swiss Post’s working environment

Monday till Friday: 7.30am - 18pm
and Saturday 8am - 12 noon

0848 888 888

0848 888 888