Commercial apprenticeship taster day

Are you interested in a commercial banking employee, Federal VET Diploma role, but are still unsure whether it’s really the right job for you? If so, register for a taster day at Swiss Post headquarters in Bern.

What is it about?

You will familiarize yourself with the work done by the service and administration commercial employees. You will discover the content and challenges of the job through relaxed group assignments and gain an insight into 18 other apprenticeships, including the new developer for digital business role. We look forward to seeing you!

Select date
Contact details
  • Please attach your CV and two recent references.

    Files in PDF or a standard image format are permitted.

    You can either combine the references in one file or provide two files.

  • CV
    Current document: - Delete file
  • References
    Current document: - Delete file

Do you have any questions about the working environment at Swiss Post?

Questions on Swiss Post’s vocational training

Monday till Friday: 7am - 12 noon
and 1pm - 5pm

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

0848 85 80 00

0848 85 80 00

Questions on Swiss Post’s working environment

Monday till Friday: 7.30am - 18pm
and Saturday 8am - 12 noon

0848 888 888

0848 888 888