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Your CO2 emissions: same weight as a raccoon
No matter how much you rummage through your letter box, you’re unlikely to find much in there. That’s why your CO2 footprint is probably limited: the letters and parcels that arrive in your letter box produce about as much CO2in weight as a raccoon.
- By comparison, a person in Switzerland generates an average of around 12 tonnes of CO2 per year (source: FOEN). The carbon share of your postal services is very small.
- Good news: more and more letters and parcels are delivered using electric vehicles, – all are delivered in Geneva, Basel, Bern, Zurich, Winterthur, Thun and Uster. In addition, all letters, parcels and press products sent with Swiss Post are sent with the “pro clima” label, meaning that their carbon emissions have been offset.
- More about Swiss Post’s climate commitment.
Your carbon footprint in figures
In the past 12 months
1. ↑ Calculation of CO2 emissions: the environmental impact factors for the calculation of the CO2 emissions per consignment are determined using weight-based allocation. The calculation is based on the results of Swiss Post’s greenhouse gas performance reporting, which is audited by an external auditor each year.
Distance calculation: the distance travelled is calculated based on average values for Swiss Post parcel and letter mail (only received consignments) multiplied by the number of consignments received.
All types at a glance
Did you know?
Reduce your CO2 emissions with these tips
Sustainable retailers
Buy from retailers that offer sustainable products and ship them in a climate-friendly way.
Snail mail instead of express
Is it still ok if it takes two or three days to get delivered? Standard shipping (PostPac Economy) often results in better-utilized delivery vehicles.