With your consent, we can provide you with information concerning relevant third-party offers and services. You will receive advertising targeting your needs.
To this end, we use the following Swiss Post data:
- Master data such as last name, first name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, date of birth, salutation, etc. We collect this data when we provide a postal logistics service, for example when delivering letters and parcels, and when you use our apps or online services.
- Your behavioural data when you use a service from Swiss Post. This includes data on use in terms of time (e.g. time stamp for the service opened or closed per page), use in terms of content (e.g. use of the relevant services, product options, orders, quantitative data and sender categories for postal items received, etc.) and use in terms of location (categorized per use of home address, use when travelling, use abroad).
We never use sensitive data (e.g. health and financial data that you share with us when you use a service) or information which is protected by postal secrecy (e.g. consignment content).
Using the data and information available, we perform analyses such as probability calculations (affinity models, scorings) and profiling.
To help third parties design, develop and market their offers and services, we may share the anonymized and aggregated data with them. It is not possible to trace your identity with this data.
You can easily withdraw your consent at any time in the “My Post” customer portal under “My settings”. Once you withdraw your consent, we process your data only as we would without your consent.
Post CH Ltd, July 2023