Social Media Netiquette

Rich Content Section

Welcome to Swiss Post! We look forward to a dialogue with you on topics related to Swiss Post. We welcome your opinion and comments.

Why do we need netiquette? Netiquette is made up of the words “net” (network, Internet) and “etiquette” (rules of conduct when dealing with one another) and stands for the principles that should be followed when communicating on the Internet. Since respectful, mutual interaction is very important to us, we ask that you comply with our netiquette.

This includes not tolerating certain content on our social media platforms and, if necessary, hiding or deleting it with or without warning. We also reserve the right to update your user profile following repeated violations of the netiquette on our platforms for a maximum term of two years. In the event of gross violations, particularly com-ments that are not directed against Swiss Post but against an individual person or a group of people, we reserve the right to block your profile as soon as you commit your first violation.

Posts and comments we do not want to see

  • Content that is offensive, obscene, discriminatory, sexist, pornographic or racist.
  • Content that is insulting, disparaging to third parties, misleading, personally offensive, threatening, inciting violence or unlawful.
  • Content that contains direct or indirect advertising for third-party products or services or that was created by a machine.
  • Content that encourages behaviour which is a serious threat to health or personal safety.
  • Content or actions that interfere with the smooth operation of social media platforms, as well as files or links that contain harmful viruses or similar.
  • Personal data of other persons, indicating a violation of privacy.

 Posts and comments we are happy to receive

  • Constructive, thoughtful and conducive to conversation
  • Respectful, open and friendly
  • Tolerant, including regarding different opinions

Please also only upload content for which you own the necessary rights (e.g. copyrights). It is not permitted to use Swiss Post trademarks (e.g. the logo) without written consent from Swiss Post. Sharing official content (e.g. posts, tweets, etc.) is of course permitted and encouraged.

The community standards of the respective social media platforms also apply.

We look forward to your posts and comments

The social media team at Swiss Post