Receive registered items without a signature
Authorization for delivery
How authorization for delivery works
Create account
If you don’t have a login, please complete the one-time registration. Register now.
As soon as a registered letter is on its way to you, we notify you free of charge by e-mail, push notification in the Post-App or SMS.
Issue authorization
You can issue authorization for delivery via the “My consignments” service.
Receive items without a signature
We deliver your registered letters as normal in your private letter box. We place parcels in the storage compartment or deposit them at your chosen location.
How authorization for delivery works
More information
Frequently asked questions
Important information
Never miss a consignment again
Would you like delivery of your mail to be flexible? With “My consignments”, you receive information free of charge about your consignments. Wherever you are, you can manage your deliveries easily and conveniently.