We’re all pulling together!
Swiss Post is facing huge challenges during the coronavirus crisis. It is only thanks to the tireless efforts of its employees that the Swiss people remain connected and can continue to benefit from certain services. There is tremendous solidarity.
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Thank-you letters from Swiss Post customers
“A great big thank-you to everyone on the front line” or: “We’re all in the same boat and are giving our all.” Comments like these from Swiss Post employees show there is a tremendous sense of solidarity amongst employees during the coronavirus crisis.
The outpouring of positive and encouraging customer reactions also indicates that the work of mail carriers is greatly appreciated during these difficult times (see images).
Mail carriers are doing an incredible job
Swiss Post employees are doing a remarkable job during this period. Many of them are taking on extra shifts because their colleagues are looking after children at home, belong to at-risk groups or are ill. Other mail carriers are helping colleagues out by temporarily changing jobs.
Protecting customers and employees
The protection of customers and employees nevertheless remains top priority. To minimize the risk of infection as far as possible, Swiss Post has implemented countless protective measures, such as the installation of plexiglass screens in all branches and keeping the front door of Postbuses closed.
Managing high parcel volumes
The greatest challenge is the huge number of parcels. The Swiss lockdown has led many people to shop online. At the beginning of April, the parcel volume had risen by as much as 40 percent compared to the previous year. The signs are that this trend is set to continue. In the interview with Iris Perner, Joint Head of Health Management at Swiss Post, find out what impact this pandemic is having on us.