Swiss Post & politics
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Swiss Post operates in a complex environment of conflicting political and regulatory requirements, social acceptance and economic interests. This can be a tense environment, in which Swiss Post strives to maintain a dialogue in order to help shape opinion-forming and decision-making processes and to integrate its political positions. By doing so, Swiss Post ensures that it can achieve its business goals within the context of its social responsibility.
Swiss Post in dialogue with its stakeholders
Video: Swiss Post in dialogue with its stakeholders.
Diverse stakeholders
Swiss Post belongs to the public, has a public service mandate and is one of the biggest employers in Switzerland. For this reason, Swiss Post has a multitude of political stakeholders that represent diverse interests and expectations.

Swiss Post maintains a regular dialogue with its stakeholders about important issues such as the quality of the universal service, pricing policy and the development of the post office network. It informs its stakeholders about its activities and plans in a timely and transparent manner. In doing so, it ensures that it represent its political interests credibly, uniformly and proactively. Contacts are maintained at international, national and regional levels.
The most important Swiss Post stakeholders
The framework conditions in the European and global postal sector also impact on Swiss Post’s business activities, which is why Swiss Post is actively involved on the international stage and has a seat on the committees of the Universal Postal Union (UPUTarget not accessible), the association of major European postal companies (PostEuropTarget not accessible) and the International Post Corporation (IPCTarget not accessible).
The national political landscape regularly debates Swiss Post and postal issues. The members of the National Council, Council of States, committees (e.g. Committee for Transportation and Telecommunications (CTT)) or parliamentary groups submit and discuss proposals concerning Swiss Post. Swiss Post is also obliged to inform the Control Committee (CC) and the Finance Committee (FC) about its annual result and target attainment.
Swiss Post also maintains intense dialogue with national associations and organizations (e.g. the Swiss Union of Cities, the Association of Swiss Communes and the Consumer Protection Foundation) as well as with other enterprises affiliated with the Confederation (e.g. SBB, Swisscom).
Swiss Post also engages in political dialogue at cantonal level. Every year, Swiss Post meets the cantonal Departments of Economic Affairs to discuss the future development of the branch network (self-operated and with partners) as well as other aspects of postal services. Members of the cantonal parliaments also submit proposals on issues concerning Swiss Post. In addition to the cantonal authorities, Swiss Post is also in contact with municipal authorities about various matters.
Swiss Post’s political positions
The Swiss Post position papers feature compact information as well as data and facts on the central political topics and challenges. The position papers are divided into topic areas currently under discussion in politics – as well as topics which have significance to Swiss Post in the present and future.
Public & International Affairs
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Public & International Affairs
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne, Switzerland