Check the quality of your addresses free of charge
Address analysis

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Planning a large shipment and want to know how up to date your recipient addresses are? Or do you want to keep track of how up to date your entire address database is? By using our online service “Address management online”, you can keep track of the quality of your address data free of charge, with no obligation and no need to register.

Your options
Our services

Once your data has been compared, you will receive a quality report about your addresses containing the following information:

  • Number of correct addresses (possibly with reference to minor address corrections) -> delivery possible
  • Number of movers’ addresses (movers’ address available) -> delivery to movers’ address possible
  • Number of addresses that are no longer valid (deceased / company no longer in business, international relocation match, new address unknown) -> delivery uncertain
  • Number of unknown addresses (the individual / household / company is unknown at this address, or the address is unknown)
  • Number of repeat addresses (duplicates)

At the same time, you will receive a tailored quotation that tells you what it would cost to have your addresses corrected.

You can find more information on Swiss Post address analysis in the “Address analysis” factsheet (PDF, 56.9 KB).

Check address quality now
Non-binding, free of charge

Our database
Validated Swiss Post recipient addresses

Swiss Post’s address database is unrivalled in Switzerland in terms of quality and quantity. We use our address services to compare our address data with this database. We ensure we are in strict compliance with the legal requirements of data protection. We do not sell, rent or lease any addresses.

As part of address maintenance, you receive a detailed statement for each address submitted. In the process we use our reference data from the street directory, our comprehensive delivery and movers’ files database and from officially published death notices.

Free analysis

We offer the address analysis free of charge

What you need
Internet access

You can have your address data checked at any time using the “Address maintenance online” online service. A Swiss Post Customer Login is not required for this.

Launch the free address analysis now.

Alternatively, you can also have our experts carry out the address analysis. To do so, you transfer your data via upload or e-mail.

Get in touch with us.

Would you like some advice?
Address Competence Center

Contact us

Call us Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., or send us a message.
+41 58 386 67 67

Personal advice

We would be pleased to set aside time for a non-binding consultation.

How to find us

Post CH Ltd
Address Competence Center
Sternmatt 6
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2

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