Because the item could not be delivered (e.g. letter box not labelled) or was undeliverable, it was returned.
The following reasons may apply to an item being returned:
Company no longer in business - The company to which the consignment is addressed no longer exists.
Deceased - The addressee is deceased.
Delivery refused - The recipient has refused to accept the item.
Direct return as per sender’s instructions - The sender stated that the item should be returned immediately if delivery is unsuccessful.
Letterbox / P.O. Box no longer emptied - The consignment has been returned because the letterbox / P.O. Box has not been emptied for an extended period.
Military service (for BU) - The consignment has been returned because the recipient is currently doing military service.
Moved, forwarding period expired - The recipient has moved, and his/her forwarding instructions have expired (usually the case after one year).
New address poste restante (for BU and legal documents) - The consignment has been returned because there is a forwarding order to a poste restante address.
New address abroad (for DD (debt collection documents), GU (court documents) and BLN (electronic cash on delivery) - The consignment has been returned because there is a forwarding order to an address abroad.
New address outside debt collection district (for BU) - The consignment has been returned because the recipient no longer resides in the debt collection district.
Not collected - Notification was left with the recipient to collect the item from the post office, but he/she had not done so by the time the deadline expired.
Poste restante instructions - A poste restante instruction exists, the duration of which either exceeds the statutory time limit of 7 days for BU/legal documents or lasts longer than 2 months for remaining consignments In these cases, the consignment will be returned directly to the sender
Recipient not found at address provided - The recipient’s address is unknown or the addressed person could not be found at the address provided. New recipient address unknown.
Returned by recipient - Consignment has been placed in the postal letterbox marked "Refused".