Technical DataTransfer support
Configuring the electronic interface with Swiss Post

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When configuring DataTransfer, Swiss Post is by your side. You can call on a range of resources such as the schema, example files, documentation and manuals divided into service groups.

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Schema for configuring DataTransfer

When configuring the DataTransfer interface, the schema provides you with an indispensable template. This resource describes the standard with which incoming files are checked for structural conformity (“correct formulation”). It facilitates recognition and implementation of the data types and restrictions defined. You can check the files when sending them. The schema is attached as an XSD (XML schema definition). Swiss Post only publishes the currently valid XSD versions.

Example files

The example files, together with the XSD files, form the implementation templates. These are divided into up-to-date service groups.

Subscriber conditions

Parcel / Express / VinoLog

Letters with barcode


Technical documentation

Examples of messages

Examples of reports

Master data

Create a Dispatch List

Would you like to use DataTransfer? Contact us!

Give us a call

+41 848 789 789

+41 848 789 789

For the deaf

For the deaf or hard of hearing

Our address

Post CH AG
Support DataTransfer
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne

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