Your products delivered directly to your customer’s home

More and more people find it important for their food, such as vegetables, fruit, eggs and others, to be locally sourced and in season – and ideally from a producer in their area. But not everyone is willing to head off to the next farm; some would prefer convenient home delivery. We have a solution. We’ll be pleased to advise you.

  • Access to new customers
  • Affordable home delivery
  • Simple packaging options
  • Environmentally friendly

Are you a farmer producing regional products?

Are you looking for new sales channels to expand your direct marketing and bring your products simply and conveniently to more end consumers? We’ll be pleased to advise you. The “Regional product delivery” service gives you, the producer, a new sales option for your local and seasonal products. Swiss Post uses its dense logistics network to take charge of delivering the ordered goods directly to your local end customers. Affordable, ecological and without any detours.

Video: Regional product delivery

Here’s how it works

  1. 1

    You offer your customers an order option for your products (telephone, e-mail, online form, etc.).

  2. 2

    You package the ordered products (disposable or reusable containers). If needed, you can purchase additional products from partner operations.

  3. 3

    You deliver your packaged products early in the morning to your nearest preferred Swiss Post delivery point. If required, Swiss Post can also collect the products from you directly.

  4. 4

    Our mail carriers then distribute your products on the same day from the delivery points during their regular delivery rounds, straight to your customers in the region.

  5. 5

    Your products reach your customers quickly, reliably and with the greatest care taken.

  6. 6

    Empty reusable containers are brought back to the delivery points by the mail carriers.

The benefits for you

  • The distribution of fresh products from the farm is a logistics service developed by us especially for agricultural businesses. 
  • We take responsibility for delivering your products directly to your customers within the region. 
  • This service provides you with an affordable, direct sales channel that supplies regular orders and facilitates better planning.
  • You benefit from higher margins thanks to direct selling.
  • Swiss Post delivers your goods to customers from Monday to Saturday. This gives flexibility in processing and executing your orders – and helps you keep your promise of quality and freshness to your customers.

Added value

  • You obtain easier access to a new target group, i.e. customers who prefer convenient home delivery.
  • You no longer need to make any extra trips since your products are delivered on the mail carrier’s regular delivery route.
  • Electric vehicles are generally used for transportation. This means that delivery is eco-friendly, which is a plus for your environmentally-conscious customers.
  • You also actively support the circular economy by using reusable bags or boxes. Instead of disposable plastic bags, your customers can be sent the ordered goods in a manner that saves on resources, as the mail carrier takes the empty bags and boxes back with them to the delivery point.


  • You pay around five francs for delivery in industry-standard packaging from the delivery points to the end consumer’s home.
  • Additional costs for container return and/or collection from your location (on request) may apply.
  • The definitive price depends on the specific service, size of goods and packaging. We would be happy to advise you.


May we advise you?
Get in touch with us.

Write us

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Give us a call

Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

+41 58 341 28 28

+41 58 341 28 28

Our address

Post CH Ltd
PMG61 Letzte Meile
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne

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