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Send your letter to the North Pole
Christmas is just around the corner. Do you have your own Christmas list? Then go ahead and write to the Christ Child or Santa Claus, and see what happens! Maybe your wish will come true.
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Right in the far north of the globe is where the magical Arctic Circle lies. RovaniemiTarget not accessible, Santa Claus’s official home town, is located here. Santa lives in a wooden hut in the heart of the forest. Over the Christmas season, he has his hands full. His home becomes unrecognizable due to the sheer amount of letters and gifts that fill it. Thankfully, his plucky helpers all over the world are there to assist him – including at the Christmas branch in the Ticino village of Cadenazzo. Here, Swiss Post’s elves are busy helping both Santa Claus and the Christ Child around the clock. They sort the post, reply to letters and wrap up a little surprise for every child. And the reindeer don’t have much idea of what’s going on. They while away the hours daydreaming until it’s time for them to fly Santa’s fully laden sleigh all the way around the world at Christmas.

Where do you live, Christ Child?
Tucked away in the outermost corner of Eastern Switzerland, high above Lake Constance, lies the dreamy village of Wienacht. This is where Switzerland’s Christkind or Christ Child lives in, a secluded, cosy little wooden house. The Christ Child enjoys the peace and the seclusion of nature, and is happiest in the company of the animals of the forest. At Christmastime, this snowy village is transformed into a magical winter wonderland. The Christ Child is very busy at this time of year. Children from all over the world send in lists and drawings, make tree decorations and bake delicious “Güäzli” Christmas biscuits. The Christ Child hurries through the snow to get to the letter box before it overflows. Every letter is read and receives a reply. Swiss Post’s helpers do their bit as well and add in a little surprise.
Send your letters to Santa or the Christ Child
Do you have your own Christmas list as well? Then go ahead and write to Santa or the Christ Child. They would love to hear from you. And don’t forget to write the name of the sender on the letter. Have fun and a very Merry Christmas!
You can find the addresses here:
Santa Claus, Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi
Christ Child, Himmelspforte 1, Wienacht