Group Procurement Policy
The principles of procurement

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Self-perception of procurement

On the basis of strategic guidelines, the Swiss Post procurement organization (POSP) is responsible for all Swiss Post procurement volumes. The POSP develops the relevant procurement policy and the corresponding strategies, structures, processes, methods and systems. Furthermore, the POSP provides the necessary competencies, which must be incorporated right from the start in the case of both strategic procurements and procurements that entail reputational risks.

The Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) and the Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO) form the basis for contracts awarded by Swiss Post, where they involve the reserved service (monopoly segment) or licensed passenger transport.

Recipients of the procurement policy are all potential suppliers (including their subcontractors) and service providers and Swiss Post’s own employees.

Principles of procurement

Preference is given to internal service provision

Swiss Post procures services on the market if it is impossible or not economically viable for the Group to provide the service internally.

Viewing suppliers as partners

Swiss Post seeks stable business relationships based on partnerships. We engage in dialogue with our suppliers and service providers. We comply with the guidelines on fair, competitive and transparent procurement processes and take a proactive approach where our responsibility towards society, the economy and politics is concerned.

As a rule, Swiss Post only concludes contracts with legal entities and does not enter into countersale agreements with its service providers. The service provider’s suitability is examined in respect of the specific item to be procured.

In addition, contracts are only awarded to suppliers and service providers who guarantee that any sanctions/embargoes currently in place that are published on the Confederation’s website (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)) will be taken into consideration and implemented.

Transparency where the awarding of contracts is concerned

Swiss Post requests competitive tenders and, in the case of procurements which are subject to public procurement law, complies with the respective statutory requirements (PPA/PPO) in relation to the types of procedures. The provider submitting the most advantageous bid is awarded the contract, with due consideration given to the relevant criteria. Swiss Post’s sustainability goals are an important component of these criteria.

Once a year, Swiss Post submits an electronic report (PDF, 115 KB) to the competent authorities on its contracts which are subject to the PPA with a procurement volume of at least CHF 50,000.

Swiss Post uses a procurement system. As a rule, Swiss Post only collaborates with suppliers and service providers which are registered in this system.

Enshrining sustainability in procurement

Embedding sustainability in procurement will be ensured by the “Responsible procurement” approach. Sustainable procurement means using the available funds in an environmental, social and economic manner. Our objective is to play a leading role in the industry.

A major focus is on environmental protection, namely climate protection and respecting employment and human rights. Transparent supply chains are important. Suppliers must sign the Supplier Code (PDF, 1.2 MB)[Media | Not Accessible] and apply sustainability criteria consistently in the selection procedure. Suppliers posing a greater risk or of strategic significance are contractually obliged to have a performance rating conducted by a defined rating agency at their own expense. This rating forms the basis for supplier development. Swiss Post will support its suppliers with targeted programmes.

Procurement management via centralized and decentralized responsibilities and via official bodies

The Swiss Post procurement organization (POSP) acts as a network and pursues both a joint, uniform procurement policy and joint procurement objectives to that effect. The management of procurement bodies is incumbent upon the persons in charge, which are organized within centralized and decentralized structures.

Various committees are held to deliver on procurement policy and reach procurement targets. These committees take charge of technical management and coordination as well as decisions on important procurement issues.

Types of procurement procedures

In the context of procurement law and competition law regulations, Swiss Post strives for fair, simple and efficient procurement processes.

The required type of process will be determined together with Swiss Post’s procurement law specialists, depending on the estimated contract value.

Public procurement law regulations

In the case of procurements, which specifically are subject to public procurement law, the Federal Act on Public Procurement (PPA) and the Ordinance on Public Procurement (PPO) form the required basis for Swiss Post.

Public invitations to tender in the open or selective procedure are published on

There is no public tender for the invitation to tender procedure. The procurement entity invites at least three (where possible) suitable suppliers to submit an offer. If possible and reasonable, at least one company should be invited from a different language region (possibly another economic region) in Switzerland.

With the direct award procedure, the procurement entity awards the services to a supplier directly, with a reason for an exception being required for this if the relevant threshold has been reached.

Private procurement law regulations

In the case of procurements made under private law, the Swiss Code of Obligations forms the basis for Swiss Post’s purchasing policy.

Swiss Post’s strategic partnerships

Swiss Post’s procurement organization can classify selected suppliers and service providers as strategic partners. These partnerships are regulated by a memorandum of understanding. Swiss Post’s strategic partners are also obliged to present an external sustainability performance rating (see “Enshrining sustainability in procurement”). Furthermore, the procurement and competition law provisions are observed in procurement procedures within the framework of strategic partnerships.

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