Movers’ addresses directly from your customers
Notification of move with a change of address
Your options
Our services
The notification of move service provides you with prompt updates on any changes of address from movers. This will help you keep your address file up to date at all times.
Movers can use the Swiss Post movers’ page to notify business contacts about their new address directly. Swiss Post provides business customers activated on this platform with access to this up-to-date address information.
The notification of move service will give you the following benefits:
- Correct movers’ addresses received every day
- A significant reduction in letter returns thanks to up-to-date addresses
- New dialogue marketing options thanks to offers tailored to movers
- A highly visible presence with your logo on a highly frequented Swiss Post platform
- High customer retention since movers deliberately choose your company
- A simplified method for your customers to declare a change of address
You can find more information on Swiss Post’s notification of move service in the “Notification of move” factsheet (PDF, 185.1 KB).
The notification of move service is a forward-looking e-solution which is of real benefit to our private customers and SBB alike.
Marc Dettwiler, Distribution & Services – Corporate Development, SBB AG
Our database
Your customers
Movers can use the notification of move service to inform selected companies directly of their new address. Swiss Post provides business customers who are activated on this platform and who have been selected by the movers with access to the relevant movers’ addresses.
Per mover’s address
Price per notification of move |
Price 1.50 |
Price in CHF (excl. VAT)
What you need
E-mail address with IncaMail, a connection to the DataTransfer interface or address maintenance via web service
Based on an agreement, you provide Swiss Post with a central e-mail address, and register just once with IncaMail. Alternatively, the DataTransfer interface can also be used as a submission channel. Address maintenance via web service is another channel via which you can connect, and where the notification of move will be allocated to your customer addresses via the same channel.
We would be pleased to provide you with personalized advice.

Reaching mobile customers reliably with correct addresses
SBB / Alliance SwissPass
Would you like some advice?
Address Competence Center
Contact us
Call us Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., or send us a message.
+41 58 386 67 67
Personal advice
We would be pleased to set aside time for a non-binding consultation.
How to find us
Post CH Ltd
Address Competence Center
Sternmatt 6
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2