Distribution of free newspapers
Delivered one working day after mailing

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Swiss Post delivers free newspapers with the same care as addressed products. Postal delivery of free newspapers gives comprehensive coverage, involves no wastage, and entails distribution to all households within an area predefined by you.

Dispatch list for newspapers

The “Dispatch list for newspapers” online service simplifies newspaper mailing considerably.

Service and features

Postal delivery means that your readers receive their free publications at the same time as their addressed mail items. This increases the impact of your message.

  • Solution for distributing regular unaddressed publications
  • Minimum publication frequency quarterly
  • Delivery possible on all working days from Monday to Friday
  • Nationwide delivery in all regions of Switzerland
  • Swiss Post also distributes official publications to letterboxes with “no advertising” stickers.
  • Individual solutions at reasonable prices

Important information

Free newspapers include regularly published press journals containing regional editorial content. They are published at least once per quarter and are funded largely by local advertisements and inserts. They are distributed in the same contractually defined distribution. The smallest definable area is a location (postcode and place name). Free newspapers may contain publishers supplements and third-party inserts, which are charged for separately. Promotional brochures and newspapers are not considered to be free newspapers. Free newspapers do not benefit from federal press subsidies.

Please refer to the “Free newspapers – wide coverage on the day you want” factsheet to check what the requirements are for using this service.


The prices for the delivery of free newspapers can be found on the price lists in the “Free newspapers – wide coverage on the day you want” factsheet. They are based on the weight of the newspaper and the predefined distribution area.

Swiss Post charges additional rates for inserts. Details of all factors relevant to the price such as distribution area, weight, frequency of publication, circulation volume, circulation proceeds, period between mailing and delivery are contained on the term sheet.

Please request a customized quotation if required.


Sending newspapers

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Contact options
Contact us

Give us a call

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

Monday till Friday: 7.30am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am to 12 noon

+41 848 888 888

+41 848 888 888

Write to us

Our address

Post CH Network Ltd
Swiss Post Contact Center
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Bern

Rich Content Section