Services for schools
This is what awaits you
Variant 1: Presentation of the company and apprenticeships
(Duration: approx. 60 min)
Variant 2: Presentation of the company and apprenticeships and application training (practice interview and/or evaluation of application dossier)
(Duration: 90 to 120 minutes)
Variant 3: Careers information with subsequent tour of company
Guided tours take place in the Müllingen, Härkingen and Cadenazzo letter centers and in the Frauenfeld, Härkingen and Cadenazzo parcel centers.
(Duration: approx. 145 minutes)
Number of participants
- At least 15 people
- Careers information with guided tour of the Müllingen, Härkingen or Cadenazzo letter center: max. 40 participants including teachers
- Careers information with guided tour of the Frauenfeld, Härkingen or Cadenazzo parcel center: max. 20 participants including teachers
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Questions on Swiss Post’s vocational training
Monday till Friday: 7am - 12 noon
and 1pm - 5pm
CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland
Questions on Swiss Post’s working environment
Monday till Friday: 7.30am - 18pm
and Saturday 8am - 12 noon