Debt collection documents
Delivery of orders to pay and bankruptcy notices

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On behalf of debt collection and bankruptcy offices, we handle delivery of debt collection documents (DD), such as orders to pay and bankruptcy notices.

The key points at a glance:

  • Return of the creditor duplicate to the debt collection office with the delivery notification and legal proposal (where applicable)
  • Optional track and trace with electronic data exchange
  • Can be combined with the “Legal documents with special delivery” solution
  • The “Debt collection documents – print and pack” value-added service is available as process support

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Important information


Debt collection documents (DD)
Including the return of the creditor duplicate to the debt collection office or the return of the debt collection documents following an unsuccessful delivery attempt


Postal interception by bankruptcy agency


All prices in CHF, including VAT.

Value-added services

Printing and packaging
Printing, packaging and mailing of debt collection documents by Swiss Post. It is a contract product. If you are interested, please contact your customer advisor or product support.

All prices in CHF, including VAT.

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Price benefits for addressed letters

As a business customer with a billing relationship, you will benefit from price reductions and discounts if your letter volumes are prepared correctly. This is your reward for supporting efficient processing.

This might interest you too

Special delivery
For legal documents

Your option for debt collection documents that couldn’t be delivered and haven’t been collected at the counter.

Find out more

Up to date at all times
Track consignments online

Thanks to “Track consignments”, you know where your consignment is at all times.