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Three facts about Swiss Post’s universal service obligation
In the universal service obligation, the legislator has set out clear criteria for Swiss Post to determine how it can offer the Swiss population the best possible public service. But what does the universal service obligation or public service actually entail? Here are a few facts.
The statutory mandate
Swiss Post’s universal service
The Postal Services Act and the Postal Services Ordinance are among the most stringent legal requirements in the world. They define what Swiss Post’s universal service obligation involves and how it must be fulfilled.
Universal postal services
- Delivery of addressed letters and parcels on at least five days of the week
- Delivery of subscription newspapers and magazines on six days of the week
- Operation of a nationwide post office and postal agency network
90 percent of the population must be able to reach these services within 20 minutes on foot or by public transport. In areas where Swiss Post offers a home delivery service, they must be accessible within 30 minutes. In cities and conurbations, Swiss Post must operate one access point per 15,000 inhabitants or workers.
Universal payment transaction services
Swiss Post must offer the payment transaction services included in the universal service to all natural and legal persons based in Switzerland.
Again, 90 percent of the population must be able to reach these services within 20 minutes on foot or by public transport. This applies regardless of the technology used to provide the services.
Swiss Post finances itself
Not a cent of taxpayers’ money
Swiss Post does not receive any subsidies or taxpayers’ money for the provision of the universal service – it finances this from its own resources. In some cases, unprofitable services within the universal service are co-financed through profitable services – for example, the delivery of letters in rural areas through the delivery of letters between cities. This solidarity is a part of Swiss public service and of Swiss Post’s basic understanding of itself.
The future of the universal service
Public service as an investment
Swiss Post has been connecting people for 170 years – reliable transportation of goods and information is part of the company’s DNA, as is shown by its history. Yet society is becoming increasingly digital. Our lives have become more mobile, we are more flexible in when and where we work, and we can achieve a great deal with the click of a mouse. Swiss Post wants to continue providing the entire Swiss population with the best possible service, and digital services and innovations are an integral part of the process.