Reliable posting of parcels abroad
Swiss Post GLS parcel shipping for business customers

If you send a parcel to a destination in Europe with Swiss Post GLS, you can rest assured that it will reach the intended recipient quickly and safely. Swiss Post GLS guarantees you a stable range of services with attractive standard delivery times.

Weights and prices for Swiss Post GLS parcels

Payment is via invoice. Swiss Post GLS does not calculate volumetric weight within Europe.

Weight Zone 1
(e.g. Germany)
Zone 2
(e.g. France)
Zone 3
(e.g. Spain)
Zone 4
(e.g. Turkey)
Up to 2 kg 33.90 42.90 56.40 79.70
Up to 5 kg 36.00 44.80 58.50 100.70
Up to 10 kg 40.30 49.60 64.60 137.40
Up to 15 kg 43.90 54.00 69.70 172.20
Up to 20 kg 47.50 56.70 73.20 207.80
Up to 25 kg 54.60 61.00 78.90 240.70
Up to 30 kg 61.60 66.10 86.00 275.10
Up to 35 kg 69.00 76.20 93.30 314.40
Up to 40 kg 76.00 83.40 100.50 347.70

All prices in CHF, excl. VAT

Notes on sending parcels abroad

Your contact options
How to contact us

Give us a call

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 12 noon, 1.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Exports: +41 848 454 454
Imports: +41 848 48 48 47

Customer Service

Swiss Post GLS Customer Service can assist you further

Enquiries and advice

For quotation requests and advice