Redirect mail temporarily

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Are you going on holiday? Or is your office closed temporarily? Then you can temporarily redirect your letters and parcels. You are free to select how long you wish to redirect your mail, and this is possible from the following working day. Mail can be redirected to a destination address in Switzerland or abroad.

At a glance:

  • Redirection of letters and parcels
  • The duration of redirection can be freely selected
  • To destination addresses in Switzerland and abroad
  • Possible from the following working day

Here’s how it works



For the basic price, we redirect your letters for two weeks. Redirecting parcels costs extra. You can arrange the redirection online or at a branch.


Basic prices

Online application


Additional week
+ 4.00
Additional person
+ 5.00
Per parcel
+ 8.00
Parcel flat fee
+ 15.00
Express order


For the basic price, we redirect your letters for two weeks.

Basic prices

Online application


Additional week
+ 10.00
Additional person
+ 5.00
Express order

All prices in CHF, including VAT.

Only private individuals can redirect parcels at a flat fee. The surcharge per parcel is paid individually upon delivery. You can pay in cash or with TWINT.

Daily and weekly newspapers
Redirect or suspend or delivery during holidays

The publisher is responsible for ensuring that your newspaper arrives at your desired address. This means you can issue an order with your publisher to have your newspaper forwarded to your place of receipt or temporarily suspend your subscription.

Issue an order to your publisher

Click on your newspaper and choose “Suspend subscription” or “Forward subscription”. This will enable you to issue the desired order to the publisher concerned.

Newspaper Forward subscription Suspend subscription
Aargauer Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Annabelle Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Appenzeller Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Basler Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Berner Oberländer Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Berner Zeitung BZ Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Bieler Tagblatt Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Blick Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Der Bund Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Luzerner Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Nidwaldner Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Obwaldner Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Urner Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Zuger Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Solothurner Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Sonntags Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
St. Galler Tagblatt Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Tages-Anzeiger Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Thurgauer Zeitung Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Die Weltwoche Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible
Walliser Bote Forward subscriptionTarget not accessible Suspend subscriptionTarget not accessible

Redirecting business mail
Redirect your business mail in full or part

Box with letters

You can redirect your business mail to another receiving location for a longer period of time. You determine how long and which consignments you want to receive at another destination address.

“Redirect mail and Selectively redirect mail” for business customers factsheet (german version) (PDF, 65.6 KB)


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  • Redirection to domestic and international addresses
  • Redirection possible from the next working day
  • Free notification of your move to companies of your choice
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Retain mail temporarily
Redirect mail

  • Safe temporary retention of your mail
  • No overflowing letter box
  • Retention of your mail possible from the next working day
  • Delivery of the retained mail at the end of the order
  • Orders can be set up online
Find out more

Manage postal items
My consignments

  • Be informed as soon as a consignment is on its way
  • Have the flexibility to determine the date, time or place of receipt
  • Specify consignment deposit on request
  • Manage permanent settings for receiving parcels
Find out more