Redirect business mail
Receive consignments at another address

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Would you like to receive your business mail at another address temporarily or in the long term? Have all or part of your consignments redirected.

The key points at a glance:

  • For customers with a billing relationship
  • Have letters redirected and, if required, also parcels
  • The duration of redirection can be freely selected
  • Have only certain consignments redirected on request
  • Issue an order easily online

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Redirect business mail at short notice
During company holidays or due to renovation

Determine the start and end of the redirection according to your needs. The short-term redirection of your business mail within Switzerland is valid for a maximum of three months.

Domestic letters
Redirection for up to three months

Briefe Schweiz bis 3 Monate
Basic price for 2 weeks


Pro zusaetzliche Woche max 11 Wochen
Per additional week (max. 11 weeks)


International letters

Briefe Ausland
Basic price for 2 weeks


Pro zusaetzliche Woche
Per additional week


Domestic parcels

Pakete Schweiz
Surcharge per parcel (to be paid upon receipt)


All prices in CHF, including VAT. We charge an additional CHF 12.00 on the basic prices at the counter. More information on prices can be found in the factsheet (PDF, 65.6 KB).

Redirect business mail long-term
Directly to the scanning or processing center

You can also have your business mail redirected permanently. The prices for long-term redirection will apply from the fourth month.

Domestic letters
Machine redirection


Manuelle Umleitung optional
Manual redirection (optional)


Monatlicher Mindestpreis pro Adresse
Minimum monthly price* per address


All prices in CHF, excluding VAT.

* The minimum monthly price per redirection address is only calculated if the redirections do not reach an amount of at least CHF 27.00 (excl. VAT).

Redirect only certain consignments
For example for selected departments

Would you like your business mail to be redirected only if certain criteria are met? For example, you can have letters for a department redirected to another Swiss address. You decide how long your consignments are redirected and to what extent. Contact your customer advisor to share your idea.

Useful to know: we will check your request within ten days. Selective redirection will begin one week after the final order has been placed.

We would be pleased to provide you with personalized advice!

Give us a call

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

Monday till Friday: 7.30am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am to 12 noon

+41 848 888 888

+41 848 888 888

Write to us

Send your query directly online to our specialists.

Our address

Post CH Network Ltd
Swiss Post Contact Center
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Bern

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  • Orders can be set up online
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Receive sorted mail
Sort out mail

  • Sorting out mail according to recipient group
  • Sorting out mail according to recipients
  • Individual delivery per recipient or recipient group
  • For within Switzerland
  • For all traditionally addressed letter items
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Redirect mail temporarily
Redirect mail

  • For private customers
  • The duration of redirection can be freely selected
  • Redirection to domestic and international addresses
  • Redirection possible from the next working day
  • Orders can be set up online
Find out more