Declaring and clearing through customs
International consignments

The following rule applies worldwide: for postal consignments containing goods, the consignment and content information required for export must be entered electronically and sent to the country of destination in advance. By submitting the content details electronically, consignments containing goods can be processed and cleared through customs more quickly than before.

Declaring goods online

Declare goods in a branch
Prepare a consignment for shipping abroad

If you do not wish or are unable to enter your consignment and content data yourself, simply bring in your consignment to a self-operated Swiss Post branch. Our staff will, for a surcharge of CHF 5, enter your consignment data and prepare the consignment for shipping with the necessary customs documents.

When are additional customs documents needed?
Mainly for resale merchandise

In the following cases, further documents are required in addition to the waybill for goods consignments or the customs declaration for documents and small goods consignments.

Simply bring the documents with you to the branch when posting your consignment. If you, as a business customer with a billing relationship, are delivering or ordering collection of a ready-to-send consignment, affix the documents together with the customs declaration to the outside of the consignment, in a transparent document pouch. Note that you may declare the consignment contents in the relevant national language for consignments being sent to Germany, Austria, French-speaking countries and Italy. In all other cases, English is the standard.

You can find more information about the “customs declaration (CN22/23)”, “waybill” and other documents for international shipments in the overview “Accompanying documents for international shipping”.

Background information on exporting goods
Electronic advance data (EAD)

The following rule applies worldwide: for postal consignments containing goods, the consignment and content information required for export must be entered electronically and sent to the country of destination in advance. This rule applies to all countries worldwide. By submitting the content details electronically, consignments containing goods can be processed and cleared through customs more quickly than before. Harmonized address labels also help tracking events to be recorded and ensure better quality track and trace.

Frequently asked questions

A woman opening a parcel

Import and export customs clearance for business customers
Important information

  • If you send consignments abroad using PostPac International, the customs duty and VAT is calculated for the recipient.
  • You can send goods to over 100 countries with DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). This means that your recipient pays less duty and tax.
  • For customs declarations, you always need a UID number.
  • If you send goods within the EU, you require the EORI number of your buyer, except for private use.

Your contact options
How to contact us

Give us a call

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland

Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 12 noon, 1.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

+41 848 48 48 47

+41 848 48 48 47

Write to us

Our address

Post CH Ltd
Customer Service International
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne