Delivery instructions for business customers
You decide how – we deliver

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You decide how we deliver your consignment to its recipient. It couldn’t be easier with a delivery instruction – individually tailored to your wishes and requirements.

At a glance:

Only business customers with a billing relationship can use the service. Don’t yet have one? Then apply for a billing relationship now.

Overview of delivery instructions

Delivery instructions


Price in CHF (excl. VAT)

Leave in mailbox or at the front door

We deposit the consignment in the mailbox or at the entrance to the building without attempting to deliver it in person. After we have delivered or deposited the consignment and its contents, Swiss Post declines any further liability.


Direct delivery to an upper floor

We deliver the parcel to an upper floor.


Deposit consignment

You decide where we deposit your consignment if personal delivery is not possible. For example, in the garage or in the bike shed. After we have delivered or deposited the consignment and its contents, Swiss Post declines any further liability.


Present consignment; leave in cellar (only for VinoLog)

We show the VinoLog consignment to the recipient and then deposit it in the cellar.


Do not place in mailbox; deliver manually, notify!

We deliver your consignment to the front door. If the recipient is not at home, we will notify them that the consignment has arrived.


Do not deliver to mailbox or neighbour; do not deposit consignment

We will deliver your item only to authorized persons in the addressed household.


Delivery instructions


Price in CHF (excl. VAT)

Specific delivery date; deliver on...

We deliver your parcel punctually on your chosen day. You have a free choice of day from Monday to Friday. To request that we deliver a parcel on a Saturday, label it as PostPac Priority with the “Saturday delivery (SA)” value-added service in addition to the delivery instructions. We do not offer this service on Sundays and public holidays.


Delivery instructions


Price in CHF (excl. VAT)

Failed delivery; return consignment as Priority on the same day

If we are unable to deliver the consignment, we will return it to you as a Priority mail item on the same day. This instruction is primarily intended for perishable goods such as medicines and food.


Deliver when all consignments have arrived

We deliver all parcels at the same time as soon as we have received all partial consignments. Add a note to the relevant consignments. For example: “Consignment 1 of 3”.


Follow delivery information in document pouch

This enables you to provide special instructions for the mail carrier, such as “Fill out delivery slip”. Please note: a written agreement is required to use this delivery instruction. Get in touch with your sales contact or salesperson if necessary.

From 8.00

Notify delivery by telephone

We inform the recipient by telephone and in advance that the consignment will be delivered. You must use DataTransfer for this service.


Deliver contents; take back box

After we have delivered the consignment, we return the box to you. This delivery instruction is useful if you ship your goods in reusable containers. Please note: when using this instruction for return, stick a “Business reply item” (GAS) address label under the lid or place it in the box.


Take empty and recycling goods back

We take back empty packaging provided by the recipient or used goods for recycling while delivering a consignment. Please note: if you use this delivery instruction, you need a written agreement and the “DataTransfer” e-logistics service. Get in touch with your sales contact or salesperson if necessary.

Based on expenses

Important information


Give us a call

Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

+41 58 667 85 91

+41 58 667 85 91

Write to us

Our address

Post CH Ltd
Contact Center KMU
Avenue de Tivoli 3
1701 Fribourg