Phishing and other attempts at fraud
Identifying risks and reacting correctly

More on the subject
For private customers and companies

Find out exactly what Swiss Post does to protect its customers, more useful information on the topic and how Swiss Post’s cybersecurity solutions provide Swiss SMEs with targeted support.

Information security at Swiss Post – simply feeling safe

Standing still is not an option when it comes to security. Swiss Post makes every effort to ensure customers can place their complete trust in it and have peace of mind. 

iBarry – the internet security platform 

Useful information and advice on online security. iBarry is an initiative launched by the Swiss economy and public authorities. As a member of the Swiss Internet Security Alliance (SISA), Swiss Post supports the provision of this information.

Cybersecurity for companies

360 SMEs place their trust in Swiss Post’s cybersecurity solutions. And that figure is rising.

    In cooperation with Swiss Post, Hacknowledge provides solutions for the efficient security monitoring of IT systems.
    Together with terreActive, Swiss Post is able to provide companies and authorities with a comprehensive range of cybersecurity solutions, offering optimal protection of information, data and IT infrastructure.
    A solution provided by the Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS). Swiss Post is a gold partner of ISSS.