PromoPost Manager
Planning, calculating and issuing the mailing order

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Manage the mailing of PromoPost consignments conveniently online with PromoPost Manager: from planning and calculation to entering orders. You can also generate all the documents required for dispatch directly from this online service.

Service and features

If you are planning to send unaddressed items as PromoPost, there are many questions that need to be clarified:

  • Where, i.e. in which areas, will you be distributing your unaddressed items?
  • Which group do you wish to target?
  • How many households will you reach, and how large is the resulting circulation?
  • How high are the costs?

With PromoPost Manager, you can determine the number of consignments required, calculate the costs and then issue the order online. It is also possible to generate all the documents required, such as locality and distribution lists, order confirmations, delivery notes and postal addresses for pallets. Payment is by invoice or direct debit from your postal account.
Important: All PromoPost orders should be managed using this online service.

Make an initial rough calculation using the quick calculator. You receive immediate results without the need for prior registration.

Who is this service for?

PromoPost Manager is a practical planning tool for companies, authorities and associations who regularly send unaddressed items as PromoPost.

The quick calculator can also be used by private individuals and smaller business customers who wish to calculate the costs for a promotional mailing or the mailing of other unaddressed items before handing over their PromoPost order at the post office counter.



Business and private customers do not need to register prior to using the quick calculator.

To use the “PromoPost Manager” online service in full, you must have a business login and a billing relationship and be registered for the online service.

Already registered as a Swiss Post business customer? You can order the online service using your login access data.

Not registered as a Swiss Post business customer? Create a Login Swiss Post account. After checking your identity, we will send you an activation code by mail within two to three working days.

Orders must be fully executed in PromoPost Manager to ensure they are carried out as requested. Issue your orders as early as possible, but no earlier than three months in advance. An order is binding once issued. Please place orders with more than 50 destinations at least three working days (Monday to Friday) before the planned posting date in PromoPost Manager.



More information

A mother and her daughter are standing next the letter box reading a postcard

With PromoPost, your offers are delivered directly to the letterboxes of your target groups. Swiss Post provides a range of PromoPost products for targeted circulation.

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Logo pro clima

“pro clima”-Shipment

The CO2 emissions for all Swiss Post mailing products will be offset at no extra charge for you.

Swiss Post is not only reducing CO2 – for example through its use of electric vehicles – it is also offsetting carbon emissions in its delivery of all PromoPost consignments by investing in high-quality climate protection projects.

More information can be found at


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Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

+41 58 667 85 91

+41 58 667 85 91

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Post CH Ltd
Contact Center KMU
Avenue de Tivoli 3
1701 Fribourg