PromoPost Quick Calculator
Request circulation figures and prepare a non-binding price calculation

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When planning your dispatch of unaddressed items, the Quick Calculator readily provides you with initial information on circulation figures and on the approximate PromoPost costs. In this way, you can estimate in advance the costs you will incur for each contact.

Service and features

When planning the dispatch of unaddressed items, you can use the Quick Calculator to determine the approximate circulation figures and the PromoPost costs. Functions:

  • Circulation figure calculator: Look up PromoPost circulation figures according to circulation area and selected PromoPost product
  • Automatic distribution zone selection: Automatically select the distribution zone around a defined address according to the following criteria: travelling distance, journey time, volume or budget targets
  • Suggested price calculator: Calculate circulation costs on the basis of circulation figures according to a selected circulation area and PromoPost product, taking other price-related criteria into account (e.g. weight)
  • Budget or volume target entry: Keep your budget under control as the order volume and order price can be viewed at any time and these figures are kept up to date. The difference between these figures and the entered budget or volume targets is also displayed.
  • Create a PDF document with price calculation and selected circulation area, including circulation figures

Who is this service for?

The freely available PromoPost Quick Calculator online service is a practical planning tool for smaller businesses and private individuals who wish to calculate the cost of unaddressed items before registering a PromoPost order at the post office counter or placing an order via the PromoPost Manager.


The “PromoPost Quick Calculator” online service is free of charge.

The current PromoPost rates are valid for all services involved in the mailing of unaddressed items using PromoPost.


Business and private customers do not need to register prior to using the Quick Calculator. A Login Swiss Post, a billing relationship and a registration for the “PromoPost Manager” online service are required for the binding registration of a PromoPost order and for optimization of the distribution zone selection in line with socio-demographic criteria.


Additional information

With PromoPost, your offers and information are delivered directly to the letterboxes of your target groups. Swiss Post provides a range of PromoPost products for targeted circulation. 

More information on PromoPost


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Logo pro clima

“pro clima”-Shipment

The CO2 emissions for all Swiss Post mailing products will be offset at no extra charge for you.

Swiss Post is not only reducing CO2 – for example through its use of electric vehicles – it is also offsetting carbon emissions in its delivery of all PromoPost consignments by investing in high-quality climate protection projects.

More information can be found at


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Post CH Ltd
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Avenue de Tivoli 3
1701 Fribourg