Letter mail easy
Send letters with barcode without a dispatch list

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Letter mail easy makes it easier for business customers with a billingrelationship to send letters with barcode, such as Registered Switzerland, A Mail Plus, court and debt collection documents or Dispomail. Simply affix the barcode, create a barcode list and post it. Billing is carried out monthly using the barcode.

The advantages for you:

  • Save time and resources
  • Shipping price without surcharge
  • Automatic billing via barcode
  • Detailed monthly invoice

Here’s how it works

  • Order barcode stickers or barcodes to print out.

  • Label your letters with barcode stickers or print your barcodes directly on the envelope.

  • Create a barcode list for every consignment (except Dispomail) or send us the consignment data electronically via DataTransfer.

  • Hand over your letters together with the barcode list in your nearest branch or a letter or logistics center, or have your consignments collected by Swiss Post.

  • You receive a detailed monthly invoice based on the barcodes you have read.

Important information

Everything you need for Letter mail easy

Barcode stickers and barcodes
For sticking or printing out

Find out more

Barcode list
Order or download

Find out more

Do you have any questions about Letter mail easy?
We would be happy to advise you personally and provide you with information about your options in a consultation.

Give us a call

CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland
Monday till Friday: 8am - 5pm

+41 842 880 088

+41 842 880 088

Write to us

Send your query directly to our specialists online.

Our address

Post CH Network Ltd
Swiss Post Contact Center
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Bern