Our contribution to achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals

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Focus on six Sustainable Development Goals

We’re acting now – for tomorrow, for future generations, for the sustainable development of our environment and society. As a proven universal provider and the backbone of urban and rural mobility, Swiss Post makes a significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Swiss Post places a particular focus on six of the 17 goals where it can have the greatest impact: partly via a positive contribution through its services and partly via the reduction of unavoidable negative effects. This focus doesn’t mean that Swiss Post considers the other SDGs to be of lesser importance. It is also committed, for example, to gender equality (SDG 5), reducing inequality (SDG 10), climate action (SDG 13) and strategic partnerships (SDG 17).

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17 Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets address the economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainable development in a balanced way. These SDGs are to be achieved all around the world, and by all UN member states, by 2030. This means that all states are called upon equally to play their part in finding shared solutions to the world's urgent challenges. These 17 SDGs also form the core of the Swiss Confederation's Agenda 2030Target not accessible for sustainable development in Switzerland.

Here are the 17 sustainable development goals. 1: No povertry. 2: Zero hunger. 3: Good health and well-beeing. 4: Quality education. 5: Gender equality. 6: Clean water and sanitation. 7: Affordable and clean energy. 8: Decent work and economic growth. 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure. 10: Reduced inequalities. 11: Sustainable cities and communities. 12: Responsible consumption and production. 13: Climate action. 14: Life below water. 15: Life on land. 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. 17: Partnerships for the goals.

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Swiss Post Ltd
Corporate Responsibility
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne, Switzerland